“The day we bought the wind vane steerer we really didn’t have a plan. As a matter of fact, we never really had a plan. We just thought, let’s head out in a generally westerly direction for a couple of years and see what happens. We imagined we would be gone for three years, maximum, vaguely thinking about a circumnavigation but not committed and certainly NOT telling anyone we planned to sail around the world.”
Waterborne: The Dream

The Boat: Ithaca A Shannon 38 Cutter, 37’ 9” long, 11’8” wide, 5’ draft
Nautical Miles Sailed: 43,822 (in Statute Miles: 49,978)
Countries Visited by Sail: 51
Countries Visited by Land: 9
Longest Period at Sea: 27 days (Galapagos to Nuka Hiva, French Polynesia)

If you have ever wondered what it is like to run away from everything and sail around the world in a small boat, Waterborne paints the picture, not as “how-to” but as “what-if.” What would it be like to sail across vast oceans, anchor in foreign ports…
…drink in exotic locations …see great art …nap with neighbors …eat strange food …meet new friends …study famous architecture …picnic under ancient ruins …converse in a foreign language