Marguerite Welch is a sailor, writer and photographer whose articles on photography have appeared in numerous art journals. Her short fiction, memoir, and travel writing has been published in Bay Weekly, Wanderlust-Journal, and Memoir Magazine. She lives in Annapolis, MD, with her husband Michael where she sails, gardens, writes, does art projects and gratefully watches the ever-changing colors of the Severn River from her porch swing.
Trip Photographs: www.mwwordsandimages

“There are still some star struck nights on the boat when I look up at the sky, study the compass, listen to garbled voices on the VHF and wonder if we were really gone for 14 years? Are we still gone? Was it just a dream, that world that only exists in my mind now—my memories, my heart. It’s as if I made it all up but I didn’t. It’s a fact that after thirty-three years of marriage, two careers for “Michael”, two sons and many reincarnations of myself, we abandoned everything and everyone we loved to explore the world in a small boat for fourteen years. “Why?” you might ask. “Why not?” I might reply.”
Waterborne: The Dream

“Waterborne” is the story of an artist, an engineer and a Labrador—three entirely different personalities—who abandon a stable middle-age lifestyle for a pitching deck and the possibility of pirates.
Challenged by culture clashes, gear failure and sudden storms, the story of their 14-year adventure is as much a sea saga as travel memoir, celebrating the interior as well as exterior journey and the joys of an inquisitive engagement with the world—a timely subject in today’s climate of increasing tribalism.